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Amber Beverage UK adds Orsadrinks (ODK) to portfolio

Published:  10 January, 2025

Amber Beverage UK (ABUK) has become the exclusive UK distributor for a Piedmont-based manufacturer of fruit purees, syrups and RTDs, after being impressed by the company's “unrivalled sourcing, quality, authenticity and design”.


Looking ahead: Elise Mérigaud, La Dame de Pic

Published:  21 July, 2022

With the first half of 2022 already history, Harpers asked key trade figures to highlight the current challenges, ongoing trends and opportunities.


Bacardi launches new non-alcoholic ‘spirit’

Published:  07 January, 2022

The world’s largest privately held spirits company is expanding the no and low category with the introduction of Palette, a non-alcoholic spirit which promises “not to compromise on flavour, quality or mixability”.


BWS sales continue to fall in grocery sector

Published:  12 October, 2021

Grocery alcohol sales fell by 6% for the 12 weeks to 3 October due to the impact of the reopening of the on-trade, the latest data from Kantar has revealed.


Five minutes with Matthew Jukes

Published:  26 January, 2021

When wine critic Matthew Jukes turned to producing non-alcoholic alternatives to pair with Michelin-level food, his Cordialities hit a chord. By Andrew Catchpole


Aldi debuts first nolo spirit as part of 11 new launches

Published:  07 May, 2020

Aldi is getting ready for summer with raft of new spirits launches – one of which is its first ever own brand of non-alcoholic spirit.